The Festival CA23 Campania Architettura_territori plurali, scheduled from 15 to 28 April 2023, is organized by the Regione Campania together with public and private institutional partners, and is dedicated, in this first edition, to "plural territories", i.e. the complexity and diversity of the region's territories, an indispensable wealth from which to respond to society's demands for change and to activate real regeneration of contexts.
Over 60 events, including participatory workshops (living labs), conferences, lectures, exhibitions, installations, walks to discover the heritage of modern and contemporary architecture, to activate, with the participation and involvement of a wide audience, a reflection on architecture's capacity to interpret the diversity of places and improve people's quality of life.
The project, which includes among its objectives the exploration of new ways of activating territories, will also have an international dimension through a partnership with the École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais, which will promote the results of the festival and the knowledge of contemporary Italian architecture in France, with the aim of also developing the exchange of good practices and the mobility of young architects from Campania.
The venues where the Festival will take place are distributed over the regional territory and will be divided into three thematic areas, within which 6 Living Labs, co-design laboratories** will be established, with which actions of deep knowledge of the contexts and heritage of modern and contemporary architecture will be activated and design actions will be developed with participatory design workshops.
The Festival CA23_territori plurali is organized by Regione Campania as lead partner with the collaboration of Scabec- Società Campana Beni Culturali and with the associated partners: Fondazione Annali dell'Architettura e delle Città, DiARC - Department of Architecture, University Federico II of Naples; DADI - Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”; DING - Department of Engineering, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”; ANIAI Campania; Do. Co.Mo.Mo Italia; MEdA - Ethnographic Museum of Aquilonia “Beniamino Tartaglia”; École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais. Sponsoring companies include EAV, GE.S.A.C. società Gestione Servizi Aeroporti Campani, Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centrale, ANCE Campania, ACEN Napoli, Est(ra)Moenia.
29/09/2023 | H: 12:00
Parigi, 2 - 4 ottobre